We have a child under the age of 18. We are divorced and I will be going abroad with my child. Should I submit a consent letter? If the court granted one of the parents the right to see his/her child on certain days, a consent letter is required for application. 6. We are divorced and I will be going abroad with my child; I have full custody of my child. Is it necessary for both parents to issue consent letters? No, if the court did not grant one of the parents the right to see their child on certain days and if only one parent has full custody, then the court's decision should be submitted and a consent letter from the other parent is not required during application. Document www.sotwe.com.
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Parents are accepted for single applicants, and only the spouses are accepted for married applicants. 10. For family visits, is a document proving blood relations or affinity required? Yes. In family visits, a copy of the certificate of identity register of the individual with the relevant family listed should be submitted to prove that the person sending the invitation letter is a relative. 11. What should be the properties of my travel health insurance? The coverage of your travel health insurance should at least be 30,000 EUR, and it should preferably be in English and valid in all Schengen countries. The original and duplicate copies of the policy should be submitted signed and stamped. Insurance policies which have exemptions or which impose conditions related to health that may limit the coverage or increase the share are not accepted.The spouses and children under the age of 21 of EU/EEC (excl. En iyi casino hoşgeldin bonusu.
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